ON SUNDAY, 28 AUGUST 2022, A major discussion is being hosted by OppTanzeem Netherlands in which socially engaged scholars from Pakistan and India will discuss in a panel the Partition and 75 Years later its long shadows which continue to haunt relations between these two states and within them between different sections of society with majoritarianism dominating in both.
From Pakistan Prof Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy and I shall be speaking and from India Prof Dr Rahmohan Gandhi (grandson of Mahatma Gandhi) and Prof Dr Harsh Mander will be taking part in the Webinar.
TIME IS: 16.00 - 18-00 Central European Time; 15 - 17 UK time; 19 - 21 Pakistan time: 19.30 - 21.30 Indian time.

Registration is necessary but free. Please register yourself here: